quinta-feira, 27 de janeiro de 2011

Cellulomonas sp

A genus of gram-positive, irregular rods in the coryneform group of bacteria; metabolism is respiratory; most strains produce acid from glucose, and cellulose is attacked by all strains.
Ref:http://encyclopedia2.thefreedictionary.com/Cellulomonas . Acesso em 27/01/11

In young cultures, slender, irregular rods, are straight or slightly curved; some rods are in pairs at an angle to each other giving V formations; rods occasionally show branching, but no mycellium is formed. In old cultures, the rods are usually short, and a few cocci may occur. Strain Gram positive but easily decolorized. Often motile by one or few flagella. Nonsporing, non-acid-fast. Facultative anaerobes, but some grow very poorly anaerobically. Growth on peptone-yeast extract agar gives usually convex, yellow colonies. The metabolism is respiratory and also fermentative, giving acid from glucose and various other carbohydrates, both aerobically and anaerobically. Catalase positive. Widely distributed in soils and decaying vegetable matter.

REF: Bergey's Manual of DEterminative BActeriology 9 edition, John G. Holt; Noel R. Krieg, Peter H. A. Sneath, James T. Staley, Stanley T. Williand. Williams & Wilkis , 1994

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